HTML = HTML (hypertext markup language ) is the standard language to create web pages And this is easy to learn we can learn this very easily HTML is very important for web pages Like if we are building a house so for the structure we can use HTML means we can design our house but for paint or the other things for our house we have to use CSS or Javascript Same if we want any website we have to use first HTML and HTML is not a programing language this is Markup language because HTML has only some programming logics.
CSS = CSS (cascading style sheet ) this is stands for beauty for a web page if we that our house will look like so beautiful so we can use CSS to paint and for decorating our house and will so good so same thing we can do our web page like we can maintain our font color size and we can add layouts so main thing is that which we need to understand and that is we use CSS because this can give beauty to our web page just like girls apply makeup on their faces….
Java script = Java script was created for making our web page more interactive and we can use javascript on the web page for pop-up windows and slide pictures by java script our web page becomes more interactive and interesting before java script our web page was just with text and pictures but after Java script web page becomes more interactive and we can fill and submit the form and now we can add some buttons so because of javascript we can interact very easily with web page.